Monday, June 7, 2010

B.O.R.3.D.0.M...& other stuff...

These dayz...r gettin kinda boring la....haiz...& i promise my darling 2 nt swear 2 much or try not 2 @ all....kinda hard bt can try la...I miss my Darling la....i miss talkin 2 her on de phone & texing her bt cnt anymore....dat suckz reli bad....(sigh)....@ least can go out wid her & Sze yie & all...maybe Lucas cnt come cuz his grandma might not last de week...prayin 4 u & ur family bro...& even if she gonna move on...dat dont mean she aint gonna be wid u...she'll be right there in ur heart....Speakin of grandparents...i nvr met my mum's dad cuz he past away looong before i was born..i think 1989...☆✦★✢♡ℑ....i think ppl judge other ppl cuz theyre different....it doesnt matter whether theyre different...theyre still human...kay la...gonna go adi..imma be seeing yall l8tr...



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